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Our visa exemption was approved!

Paperwork Approved

Faster than anyone expected, we have our exemption for our entry visas! We are the first “new” missionaries with our organization to be granted this exemption. Praise the Lord with us for making it possible for us to go!

Flights Booked

We have flights booked on January 19th! Starting in Grand Rapids and making our way to Manila, Philippines.

Covid-19 Bummer

Because a covid exposure at the last minute would completely derail all our plans and potentially invalidate our 90-day exemption, we will not be socializing after January 9th.

This will give us the buffer we need to avoid a possible exposure before traveling.  With that being said, we want to see you!  If you are in the Grand Rapids area and want to connect, please reach out to us!

Lots To Do!

There is a lot of preparation that needs to happen before we go….organizing everything that needs to get stored or taken to the Philippines, as well as all the travel arrangements and setting up a home across the globe.

Sydney was up first to sell her vehicle. 😉 We will sell ours a little closer to our departure date.

Our Philippines Home

We have a house arranged for us in the Philippines next to our co-workers, the other aviation family in our region.

There is still a lot of setup required but we are thankful to have this detail arranged.

Prayer Requests


For our hearts and minds as we cope with this whiplash of rapidly changing plans.

Our Kids

For our kids as they try to understand these big changes

Those Left Behind

For our extended families as they say goodbyes to their grandkids, nieces for the next couple years.

Quarantine Requirments

We are currently required to stay in a hotel in Manila for 10 days once we arrive. Please pray this requirement will be removed.

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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