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We're Here!!

We made it to the Philippines! We departed the United States on January 19th and landed in the Philippines on January 21st.

All in all it was 25 hours in airplanes to get here… glad to have that behind us. Considering how long it was, both girls did well on the flights.

After landing in the Philippines we were escorted to a quarantine hotel where we stayed for 5 days and were released once our covid tests (shown below) came back negative. It was a challenge to overcome jet leg when you can’t leave a hotel room.

Once leaving the hotel we went to our mission headquarter’s guesthouse and continued isolation for 2 more days. On day 7 we were FREE!!!

Exploring Manila

We are enjoying the experience of learning a new country/culture as we explore the city of Manila. We will be here at our mission headquarters until Feb 10th while go through some general orientation and wait for our long term visa applications.

It was pretty daunting initially to bring the kids out into a busy unknown city especially with all the strict covid restrictions but we have gotten comfortable using taxis to get around the city and have found lots of fun things for the kids to experience.

Friends from Training

Unexpectedly, we had several days of overlap here in Manila with some friends from our training time in Missouri. It was such a sweet time with them as we both were adapting to living in a new country. Today they flew to another region of the Philippines where their ministry will be focused.

Each of our families has two girls that are the same age. They have thoroughly enjoyed their time together and we look forward to seeing them in the future.

What's the Plan?

The plan is to spend the next several months accomplishing various goals to set us up for success in our aviation ministry here in the Philippines. On February 10th we will be moving up to the northern region of the Philippines where Ethnos360 Aviation has a flight base.

Get Settled
  • Set up a home here in our ministry location
  • Unpack boxes shipped from the USA
  • Buy appliances and furniture
Learn How to Live in the Philippines
  • Learning to speak Tagalog
  • Learning the Filipino culture
  • How to buy food/what food is available
  • How to maintain our house
  • How to get around using public transportation
  • Learning to drive

Prayer Requests


A lot goes into setting up a home but especially in a country you're not familiar with. That we would be able to do this well to then be able to focus on learning language/culture and start our aviation ministry well.


This next season will be full of learning. Learning language, culture and from our co-workers. That we would be diligent for the tasks ahead of us.

Parenting Skills

With so much to accomplish that we would balance our time well with our kids who are experiencing just as much transition as we are.

Thank you for your prayer and partnership!

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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