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Hello Friends!

We want to thank you for the interest you have shown in our missionary journey.  As we prepare for full time training, we wanted to start providing more regular updates to let people follow our progress!

For the past 4 years, we have loved being able to run in this 10K, an event consisting of 17,000+ other runners!! We praise God for a continued healthy pregnancy!

36 years ago Jo went on a missions trip into the Manoba. At that time the missionaries were just learning the language, so there were no believers and still a lot of work to be done. Now the Manoba people not only have believers, but they are using the helicopter to take their own teachers into the rugged mountaintops to share the gospel.

Over the past year we have had the privilege of serving with our church’s children’s ministry. During their missions month emphasis, they raised money as a competition between the boys and girls. We were honored that they chose us to be the recipients of this gift. (Pictured below) This gift will be a great help towards our moving expenses to the Missionary Training Center.

Count Downs

* 6 weeks until Baby Girl’s Due Date (July 2nd)
* 10 weeks until we move to the Missionary Training Center in Roach, Missouri.

Prayer Praises/Requests

* Ryan has completed his contract hour requirements at WMU and will not need to buy out his contract when we move.
* Grace and Wisdom as we prepare for this big transition with a move and baby on the way.

* Ryan’s naturalization application was approved to become an American Citizen! We are now just awaiting a swear-in ceremony date.

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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