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The weird looking word in the header line is actually how you spell the word “update” phonetically.

We just wrapped up our phonetics class which gives us tools to be able to learn a new language and sound like a native speaker (no accent). It was neat to learn the various types of sounds that occur in so many different languages that aren’t used in English.

We’ve been getting Sydney on a schedule and she has been really thriving, which has also made our lives easier.  Parenting has definitely been the most challenging transition so far.  God is faithful to use it to reveal to us our own pride and selfishness.  Praise God for His daily grace and mercy!

To better prepare for life overseas, Abigail, along with some other classmates, have been learning to cook from scratch. It’s great to have mentor missionaries to share helpful tips and tricks. 

We are already looking into what the summer will hold for us as we are 3 months away from finishing here at the Missionary Training Center.

Lord willing, our plans are to continue our partnership development full time this summer. We will have a couple months before we head to Arizona for our final phase and would like to see our team grow as we near the training finish line.

Pictured here is just another example of how Ethnos360 Aviation is being used to support people and church planting efforts in areas that would otherwise be inaccessible. The aviation department provides a lifeline to the missionaries and also to the people they are ministering too. 

We are so grateful for the team of people who pray for and support us, allowing us to be here in training. We are humbled and excited to have people behind us holding the ropes!

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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