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Happy New Year!

January marks 2 years of being here in the Philippines!

Christmas in the Philippines starts in September and goes to the end of December so we are glad to be done with the Christmas season haha. Despite being away from family over the holidays, we are blessed with the group of co-workers God has given us here.

Medical Flights

December was a wild month with what seemed like a never ending stream of emergency medical flights on top of our regular flight schedule.

We were glad to be here and able to help these people on potentially one of the worst days of their lives.  It’s exciting to think about the potential fruit this could yield in the ministries of our missionaries.

Why We Fly

While we have had some challenging flights, it’s always so refreshing to see the glimpses of why we are doing what we do. It is such a privilege to be a part of seeing how the truths of God’s word changes people and how that bleeds into the culture and community. We may not speak all of the languages that are present here in the Philippines but we feel the connection of the body of Christ when we are able to fellowship with these believers in their remote corners of the world.

Coming "Home" in 2024!

We are planning our furlough (or home assignment) from April 2024 until November 2024. We are looking forward to being back home, seeing friends and family and eating all the foods we have missed. 😉

We are planning on the following:

Arkansas: April, May & June

Michigan: July & August

Ontario: Sept & Oct

Arizona: Nov

Can You Help?

We are so grateful for our amazing team of supporters behind our ministry.

We already have our flights paid for, a loaner minivan, and housing in Canada!

We are still in need of some housing options in Arkansas and Michigan.



A ministry is providing a low cost rental minivan for the duration of our time back home.

Airline Tickets


From our home in the Philippines to our first stop in Arkansas will be 21hrs of flying.

Arkansas Housing

(still needed)

Housing needed for May & June.

Michigan Housing

(still needed)

Housing needed for July & August.

Thank you for your prayer and partnership!

As we reflect on our first two years here, we are amazed to see the outpouring of financial support we have been given. The Lord has abundantly provided for our needs and allowed us to bless many others here in the Philippines. Thank you for giving so generously to our family and our ministry.

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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