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We are now just over halfway through our furlough/home assignment time. We are currently in Canada after having spent the first two months in Arkansas. We will be in Canada until mid August and then head to Michigan. After a couple weeks in Arizona at our aviation headquarters, we will board a plane back to the Philippines on Nov 11th. 


All our travel from the Philippines went smoothly thanks to the myriad of prayer warriors we had behind us! This picture is once we had made it back to the USA in San Fransisco with all our luggage we would need for the next 6 months. 


We have been blown away by the kindness and generosity of people welcoming us back home. We are so honored and humbled to have such an amazing team of people behind us. 

We have been thoroughly enjoying time with family, letting Sydney and Lydia soak up all the time they can get with grandparents, uncles/aunts, nieces and nephews. It’s been really fun to watch them reconnect with all these special people. 

Sharing what God is doing in the Philippines

We have had multiple opportunities to share with Sunday school groups, churches and individuals what God has been doing in the Philippines. It is exciting to share what we have seen and experienced in the last two and a half years. God had provided for us and sustained us so well and we are excited to share those stories. 

To Do List

We’ve had lots on our “To Do” list since getting back to the states. Dentist visits, Dr Visits and buying homeschool materials for the next 3 years have been just some of the few things to get done. It also included getting required continued education training for both Abigail’s nursing license and Ryan’s aviation certificates. Ryan was also able to complete training which simulated evacuating a helicopter while submerged under water. Flights in the Philippines sometimes includes over ocean flying and the training to use emergency equipment carried on board was very beneficial.

Planning Ahead

One question we frequently hear is “How much longer will you go back to the Philippines?”

Our desire is to serve long term. Lord willing, we hope to be serving in the Philippines for many years to come. We of course will be able to take home assignment breaks for a few months every 2-3 years. While we are enjoying time back in North America, we look forward to being back in the Philippines and working with our brothers and sisters in Christ to see churches planted among the least reached.

Car Project

One of our goals for our next term is to buy a vehicle to commute to/from the helicopter hangar.

See More About the Car ProjectSee More About the Car Project

Prayer Requests


Our girls are always asking when we are going back "home" to the Philippines. Pray for grace and understanding as we guide our girls through all the transitions taking place over the next few months.


Pray for peaceful interactions between China and the Philippines. And also that our flight program would continue to find good favor with the Philippine government.


Some of our coworkers are in the midst of teaching through Bible lessons in an indigenous language for the first time. Pray for open hearts and minds as the truths of God's word are revealed to them.

Thank you for your prayer and partnership!

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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