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An update our our time at the missionary training center (MTC).

Pictured Above: We were able to represent Ethnos360 Aviation
at a local airshow here in Missouri along with the other aviation trainees of the Missionary Training Center. 

Pictured here is a Robinson R66, a turbine powered helicopter which has proved to be very useful overseas in the support of church planters. 

One of the Ethnos360 Aviation helicopters was able to come to the campus and participate in a training exercise where a mail drop was done to students, simulating what will be experienced overseas. 

We’ve been learning lots in our time here.
Some of the classes we’ve gone through have been:

Foundational Bible Teaching: Learning how to effectively communicate the truths of God’s word, we were all given the opportunity to take turns teaching the class.

Learning Styles: Understanding how different personalities learn and process different situations. This is so important since team conflict is a major hindrance in ministry.

Worldview: Understanding how to analyze what and why people believe what they believe.

We’re also part of a mentor group where we meet in smaller groups to go over what we are all learning and how that plays out in our daily lives

We were able to take Sydney on her first flight!
We weren’t sure how she would handle it but she was a natural!

Prayer Requests / Praises

That Sydney would stay healthy as there is a lot of sickness going around. 

Ryan completed a test and now has his IA (inspection authorization) which allows him to
sign off on major repairs and inspections of aircraft.

Pray that we would make the most of our time here. 

Our Support Team is growing every month!
it’s so encouraging to have so many people standing with us in our ministry.  

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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