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1 Year +

At the time of this post we have been in the Philippines for 16 months. Crazy how the time goes by. We are still learning lots but are comfortable living and functioning here in our aviation ministry. Since we had to fly to an embassy here in the Philippines to renew Sydney’s passport, we used the opportunity to take a family vacation near the ocean. We thoroughly enjoyed the uninterrupted family time. 

Medivac Flights

Part of the ministry of the aviation program here in the Philippines is offering emergency medical transport for for the areas where we have missionaries.

While these medivac calls often come at inconvenient times, it is exciting to be able to help people in such a tangible way. Often times when we are called for the medivac flights, the situation is dire. While not all medical flights have happy endings, it is truly amazing to see how God uses this tool to bring people to Him, and to help build relationships with the missionaries that may not have naturally formed beforehand.

This picture is of a man with severe burns on his hands/arm & face being brought to the helicopter to be transported to a hospital.

Bible Recordings

A few months ago we were able to be a small part of the New Testament being recorded onto Mp3 devices.

Missionaries on one of the remote islands here in the Philippines have spent many years translating God’s word into the indigenous language. This recent project was to have native speakers record those translations onto Mp3 players with the plan to distribute those to the community. Even for those who are unable to read, they are still able to hear God’s word in their own language. The helicopter enabled this project to be done efficiently as boat travel to this island at that time of year is unreliable and can be dangerous.

Paint Job

Last month we completed a repaint project on our helicopter.

When it was put in service a couple years ago it had its original grey paint scheme. The decision to repaint our helicopter was more that just for an aesthetic change.

Our organization is globally recognized for their red and white helicopters. We want to capitalize and contribute to that image by having our helicopter match the rest of our global fleet. Additionally we want to be very obvious that we are humanitarian and in no way want to be misidentified as military/government. Also, pretty sure it’s faster because it’s red 😉

We had some volunteers from the USA come and help us with the huge task of sanding everything down and repainting the heli. We are super grateful for their time spent here as it minimized the time the helicopter was out of service and was quickly able to get back to flying for our missionaries.

Abigail's Mom Visited!

Abigail’s mom was able to come spend some time with us here in the Philippines! It was a joy to have her here and have her see what our life looks like. Sydney and Lydia thoroughly enjoyed Grammy time. Thanks to everyone who helped and prayed for this trip!

Our Missionaries

We are thankful to be able to get to know the people we are flying for. It has been thrilling to see the various stages of ministry that each family is in and to be share a small part of that ministry.

We love to show our kids the reason we are living in the hottest city in the Philippines. We want to impress upon them the importance of why we are here, bringing the Gospel to the unreached and the privilege we have to be working with our missionaries. Being able to bring the family into some of our missionaries remote locations is a neat opportunity.

Prayer Requests

Our Missionaries

Pray for Bible translation currently underway in Village "A" and for Village "B" in the beginning stages of curriculum development in preparation for Bible teaching. Pray for stamina of our missionaries and that language helpers would be available for them.


We are thankful for the short and long term co workers that God has given us. Pray we continue to grow in our unity as a team.


Kids....need we say more?

Thank you for your prayer and partnership!

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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