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He Passed!!!

On Friday, Sept 25th, Ryan passed his commercial helicopter check ride, making him a Commercial Helicopter Pilot.

We are so thankful for God’s provision of helicopter instructors (Brian Pruett and Daren Spence) to help get him to this point.

While Ryan is now a commercial helicopter pilot,
helicopter training is not over.

He will continue to fly and build the needed experience for the mission field. 


Not accounting for COVID19 restrictions, our estimate is that, Lord willing, we will leave for the Philippines by Summer 2021.

We are blown away at how God has provided so far! We were honored to have our helicopter project featured as a ministry project for Holt Baptist Church in Holt, MI.

We are so thankful and encouraged by their generosity.

Check out our helicopter project for more info.

Helicopter Project.

The gold helicopter that has been used for training is due for an overhaul soon in which the entire helicopter is disassembled and inspected.
We are happy for this great opportunity to become even more familiar with the machine we will be using overseas.

Lydia has been through some challenging months with trouble eating/sleeping. Through many doctor appointments, they began treating her for reflux and decided to perform a procedure on her tongue that would allow her to eat without difficulty and pain.

Since that procedure, Lydia has been much better and is eating and sleeping so much more. We are glad we finally got this sorted out after struggling with her for months.

We are hoping to do some traveling soon! There are still a lot of details to work out but we are hoping to be able to bring the helicopter with us! 

Thank you so much for praying for us and supporting us!!

We are here because of you!

The de Roos Family 
Ryan, Abigail
Sydney & Lydia 
Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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