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Ready To Go!

Our long awaited visas!! Praise the Lord, all our paperwork to arrive in the Philippines is complete! This process started in June and was only completed in the beginning of December.

We have enjoyed being able to spend time with our families over the holidays before heading overseas. 

Thanksgiving in Arkansas with Abigail’s family and Christmas in Canada with Ryan’s family.

While they are all extremely supportive, this was still a hard goodbye. Please pray they would feel God’s comfort and peace.

Our Luggage

It was been a huge process of organizing what gets sold, stored in the US and brought with us overseas. Pictured is our checked baggage minus kids’ carseats.

Grand Total:

6 Checked totes/suitcases
2 Checked Carseats
2 Carry-on Suitcases
4 Personal Item Backpacks
2 Children

He Is Worthy

We go to assist the church planting ministries of Ethnos360 and likeminded ministries through the use of aviation to achieve the goal of
a thriving church for every people.  

Many of you know the long journey (10+ years) that has taken us to this point. We are beyond excited to be taking this next huge step as we move to the Philippines.

It is not without fear or trepidation for the massive changes and challenges to come but we have seen countless times God’s provision and care for us on our journey so far.

The Flight Plan

Our Journey to the Philippines.


Self Isolation

We will begin our self isolation on January 10th to minimize the chance of testing positive for COVID-19 on our required pre-travel tests.

Domestic Flight #1

We fly out of the Grand Rapids, MI airport on January 19th.

Domestic Flight #2

Our route takes us through N Carolina and then on to San Francisco, CA where we will re-check our baggage for our international flight.

International Flight

At 9:30pm we will depart San Francisco, CA on a 15 hour direct flight to Manila, Philippines.


After we land, clear customs/immigration, and get our baggage, we will then be taken to a quarantine hotel for 5 days.

Further Covid-19 Requirements

Once the 5-day quarantine is complete, we will go to our mission guesthouse in Manila for an additional 9-day isolation.

Prayer Requests

Covid Testing

Negative COVID tests. We have required pre-departure testing. This is no small stressor to us.


All the logistical details involving travel and quarantine in an unfamiliar country.

Parenting Skills

For wisdom in parenting through all the emotions involved in this huge transition.

Thank you for your prayer and partnership!

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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