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It's August, And We're Still Here

As many of you know, we have spent the last month preparing for an early August departure for the Philippines.

We had filed our paperwork requesting permission to get a Philippines Visa to be able to move, but with COVID19, there has been no movement or even a reply from the Philippine government. The Philippines continues to have some of the tightest lockdowns of any country and will likely be very slow to open back up.

So What’s Next?

We’re Moving To

Grand Rapids, MI

We have decided to move back to Grand Rapids, MI while we wait for pending paperwork. It has been a whirlwind of changing plans the past two weeks as we’ve switched gears from preparing for an overseas move to trying to set up a temporary home in Michigan.

It’s definitely not what we wanted or were expecting but we know that God will get us there when the time is right.

We are choosing to see this as a blessing from God to have time to reconnect with churches, supporters and friends and be refreshed after our 2 years of intense training. We can’t wait to see our Michigan people.

Constant Change

We have moved to different housing here on base in AZ to accommodate new trainee families coming in. Sydney and Lydia now are sharing a room.

This was a before picture…Neither of them was enthused about sharing a room when the night was over.

Experience Building

Ryan was able to fly for a local fencing project in the mountains which was an awesome opportunity to build experience flying with external cargo but not have to pay to operate the helicopter.

We have no idea when we will head to the Philippines but God does!

We are hoping/planning for around 4-6 months.
The plan is to move to Michigan in early September.

As we have heard so many times before, it rings true especially now.

“Man plans his way but God directs his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

How You Can Pray For Us


For patience for us parents with Sydney and Lydia as we navigate all the unexpected transition. It has been very confusing and hard on them.


For the visa paperwork to be processed.


For our co-workers in the Philippines who have been working through the challenges of the pandemic.

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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