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Getting Adjusted

We have been in the Philippines for 3 months now! It’s been encouraging to see how far we have come in feeling comfortable here and learning how to function in another culture. We still make mistakes and embarrass ourselves on a daily basis but we are feeling much more at ease compared to when we first landed here. Depicted in this picture is all the girls in a motorcycle side car referred to as a tricycle or “trycie”. This was how we went about town, got groceries etc before being able to get a vehicle for our family.

We have been working at full speed getting our house repaired and set up for us here. We had a roof repair, tile work, painting, electrical and plumbing repairs to be done. It was a challenging few months as we learned how to get about town, find supplies and tradespeople to get our house setup as well as just learning how to function as a family here.

Language Study

Last week we officially started learning Tagalog! There are many languages spoken here in the Philippines but in our region Tagalog is the most commonly used.

We each spend 2 hours per day with a language helpers from our city. We then spend time in the evenings listening to Tagalog recordings from that day’s lesson.

While Sydney and Lydia aren’t officially learning Tagalog, they have started watching some of their kids shows in Tagalog and are picking up words slowly but surely.

Using Gifts

Abigail was able to use her experience has a nurse to help with a baby of our teammates needing IV antibiotics. Welcome to the world baby Emma!

Building Relationships

We are getting more and more opportunities to build relationships here, we look forward to these relationships getting deeper as we learn more and more how to relate to the Filipino world.

The culture here in the Philippines is so kind to children.It's been great to have people in our lives to love on our children.

What's the Plan?

The plan is to spend 6 months in language learning mode. We will try to invest in language study as much as we can during this time. While it’s hard not to want to immediately jump into our aviation roles we know this will help us become more established here and enable us to build relationships with other Filipinos.

After these 6 months are up we will begin the flight checkout process of learning the in’s and out’s of flying here in the Philippines. 

Prayer Requests


With the load of language study on top of the daily demands of living overseas we appreciate prayer that we would be able to give as much energy as we can towards this season of language study.


In addition to learning language that we would continue to graciously learn the culture we are in. At times the differences can be frustrating and exhausting.


Our girlies are settling in more and more. Prayer that we would parent them well and that even in our shortcomings that we would lead them to the Lord.

Thank you for your prayer and partnership!

We could not be here without your prayer and generosity. 

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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