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2020 has been a struggle for most people around the world. While we acknowledge the trials, we want to highlight what God has done for us during this year.

Started this year being partway through our standardization training here at the Ethnos360 Aviation headquarters in McNeal, Arizona.

We were assigned to serve in the Philippines!

We wrapped up our standardization training where we were prepared for what flight operation could look like overseas.

Lydia Belle joined our family on April 9th. 

Finished training an Ethnos360 Brazilian pilot in preparation for him to continue his advanced training here in Arizona before returning to Brazil.

Attended a maintenance training course at the Robinson Helicopter factory in Torrance, CA. 

Began full time helicopter training in preparation to serve in the Philippines.

Continued learning to fly the helicopter in preparation to earn my Commercial Helicopter Pilot Certificate.

Passed my commercial check ride in the helicopter! Praise the Lord!!

God provided a new R66 helicopter for the field of Papua New Guinea and we began preparing it for its life of service overseas, which included painting it with our organization’s colors.

To build experience and relationships, we took the helicopter up to Michigan where we gave rides to our friends and supporters.

Advanced helicopter training continues. 250 flight hours are required before we can transition overseas. Right now we are right around the 150 hour mark

We have broken through the halfway mark of training expense!

Starting this training, we had no idea how God was going to provide but it has been a thrill and privilege to see little by little how this goal is getting accomplished.

As the year comes to a close, we would ask you to consider our Helicopter Project in your year end giving.

Would You Help Us Finish This Goal?

We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas from Arizona! 

Thank you so much for praying for us and supporting us!!

We are here because of your generosity!

The de Roos Family 

Ryan, Abigail
Sydney & Lydia 

Ryan & Abigail

Author Ryan & Abigail

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